The Value Of Heating And Cooling Preventative Maintenance

Some companies list commercial and residential heating in Covina and elsewhere as separate items when they describe what they do. Is there really an important distinction between the two? It turns out that the answer is “sometimes.”

When is There
click now No Real Difference?

If a commercial building is fairly small, needs only one thermostat, and doesn’t have any special challenges like doors that are almost always left open, heating it works the same as it would with standard residential heating. A single furnace, combined with the associated duct work, will do the job nicely. Because of this, it’s possible to use a regular residential furnace for these types of buildings.

What Situations Require Different Solutions?

When commercial buildings have a large area, have several stories, or include a large amount of rooms or units that need separate temperature controls, the required hardware becomes quite different from that used for a regular house. Large areas typically require several burners and blower motors to be placed at strategic points so that all parts of them are heated evenly. Multi-story buildings need this too, but they also need powered fresh-air ventilation to be added so every story gets plenty of oxygen.

Multi-unit buildings, whether long and low or narrow and tall, need separate controls for the ducts so that each unit can be set to a different temperature. Sometimes, they also include individual heaters instead of connections to a central system. All of these things make it so that large-project commercial heating in Covina is significantly different from all but the most unique and demanding residential set-ups.

When Are Residential Systems Similar to Advanced Commercial Ones?

For most people, the idea of needing a full-on commercial-style system for a house is hard to imagine. Even so, there are some instances when this is the case. Typically, such situations involve mansions with several rooms. Then, the house may be so long that it will need multiple heating units and blower motors, much like a two- or three-story office building. Zoned heating may also be part of the picture. Owners of such upscale residences may do well to hire a commercial heating expert.

Whether a customer wants commercial or residential work done, it’s important to look for a heating service that can handle the project’s demands. Be sure to discuss the details of the building or house in question so everyone knows what to expect before work starts.

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