What Affects Ac Unit Effectiveness?

The efficiency levels of southern California’s residential air conditioners have many important effects. An inefficient system costs more to operate, generates extra emissions and may produce unnecessary noise. It might have a shorter lifespan and require additional maintenance as well. A wide range of factors influence the efficiency of this cooling equipment.


If ducts become damaged or remain unsealed after installation, they will leak cold air into unoccupied areas. Consequently, homeowners waste money by cooling attics or cellars. Ductwork can also become dirty, especially if it wasn’t sealed. This restricts airflow and could clog a system’s filter with debris.


After the
commercial air conditioning Covina in a duct reaches a room, it escapes through a vent. Efficiency will suffer if these units become dirty. The same thing happens when someone blocks cooling vents with curtains. An A/C system will not consume less energy if people shut vents in empty rooms.

Size, Power

An excessively large or powerful cooling system works less efficiently than a unit of the appropriate size. Furthermore, it may not adequately remove moisture from the air. This might prompt residents to use additional energy by running dehumidifiers or setting the A/C temperature lower than necessary.


Although they cost more to install, central A/C systems remain more efficient than separate room, wall or window units. Centralized equipment also dehumidifies the home with greater success. However, this is only true when California homeowners properly maintain their ducts, filters and condenser coils.


When the filter in a central or window A/C unit becomes clogged, it affects airflow and makes the equipment work harder. This decreases the quality of indoor air as well. If a homeowner regularly cleans or replaces this filter, it will trap dust, allergens and other particles before they reach living areas.


Considerable amounts of dust can accumulate on condenser coils, especially when people forget to replace filters. This wastes electricity by interfering with heat dissipation. These coils help cooling systems release warmth they have collected inside of a home. Most HVAC professionals clean this component while performing air conditioner tuneups.

Basically, A/C equipment draws less power when people maintain and clean it properly. Californians also cut electricity costs by selecting units with high seasonal energy efficiency ratios. Newer models often have higher ratings. Local HVAC contractors install systems that provide efficient residential air conditioning in Covina, San Diego and Bakersfield.

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